28 July 2015

7. Eight Incarnations of Lord Ganesha

According to Mudugal  (Mudgala) Purana, there are Eight Incarnations of Lord Ganesha. Each of these incarnations aimed at slaying some demonic force, thought the eight incarnation is yet to take place. Interesting? Read ahead to know more about these Incarnations. 

Here is a list of all eight incarnations -
1. Vakratunda  (Lord with Twisted Trunk)
2. Ekadanta (Lord with Single Tusk)
3. Mahodara (The Great-Bellied God)
4. Gajanana (The Elephant-faced God)
5. Lambodara (The Long-Bellied God)
6. Vikata (The Lord of Evils and Sins)
7. Vighnaraja (The Lord of Obstacles)
8. Dhoomravarna (Smoke-Colored)

Mahodara - The Third Incarnation 
The third incarnation of Ganesha, Mahodara relates to Mohasura, the demon of worldly attachments which creates delusion, confusions and indecisiveness.
Lord Shiva was staunch ascetic. He often receded from the worldly matters, observed in deep meditation in afar forests.
Once Shiva was in deep mediation for ages when Goddess Parvati sought him to return home. To invoke Shiva and overcome his senses, Parvati assumed the form of an alluring female. With an intention to pull Shiva out of his meditation, Parvati wandered near Shiva.
After months of efforts, Shiva was invoked. He gained back his consciousness. Seeing this, Parvati discarded her illusionary form. This caused high energy to release from the bod of the Goddess. The energy gathered and took form of a demon named Mohasura. He was the demon of allusion, attraction and attachment.
On the advise of Demon Guru Shakurarcharya, Mohasura performed austerities to please the Sun God. The Sun God pleased by his penance gave him the boon to become the ruler of all three worlds.
Empowered by the boon, Mohasura conquered all three worlds. The Gods were thrown away from the Heaven. The humans were terrified by wrath. The sages including the people who served the religion abandoned their serve to God and hide themselves to save their lives.
Troubled by the demonic rule, the Gods of Heaven approached Lord Vishnu asking him to rescue them from Mohasura. Lord Vishnu advised the Gods to invoke Ganesha.
Lord Ganesha was invoked after years of penance. He assured the Gods to restore peace in all three worlds and return of the kingdom of heaven. To annihilate Mohasura, Ganesha incarnated as Mahodara meaning the one who slay Mahosura. 
The word about Ganesha' assurance to Gods, reached the ears of Shukaracharya the preacher of demons. Shukaracharya warned Mohasura against the powers of Ganesha. He advised Mohasura to surrender himself before Ganesha, else he would he killed by Ganesha. Hearing this, Mahosura decided to surrender himself to God Ganesha.
Soon Ganesha took form Mahodara and reached to attack Mohasura. However, Mohasura greeted Ganesha respectfully. He glorified and appreciated him, asking forgiveness for his sins. Ganesha asked Mohasura to return the kingdom of heaven to its rightful Gods.
Mohasura agreed to return the kingdom of heaven to Gods and also assured Ganesha that he would keep on path of virtuousness. Ganesha was pleased to hear Mohasura. He forgave Mohasura and asked him to return to hinterland, the abode of demons.
Mohasura returned to hinterland and God returned to the kingdom of heaven. Peace was restored and Ganesha was glorified by Gods and sages alike.

Gajanana - Fourth Incarnation of Ganesha 

In His fourth incarnation as Gajanana, Ganesha slayed Lobhasura, the demon of greed or desire.
Gajanana is also called Gajavaktra and it refers to the elephant face of Ganesha.
The demon of covetousness - Lobhasura emerged from Kubera's sight of greed. Here is the story of how it happened -
Once the celestial treasurer - Kubera visited Mount Kailash, the abode of Shiva and his family. Kubera came to seek blessings of Shiva and Parvati, and he was blissfully blessed by them. However, Goddess Parvati who was seated besides Lord Shiva appeared very enchanting and adoring. Her divine grace was allusive. Kubera was enchanted and looked at her with desirous eyes. This provoked Goddess Parvati. Kubera realized that his feelings were unjustified and abandoned them. From feelings the fear and desires abandoned by Kubera manifested as Lobhasura.
Lobhasura went under the guidance of Sukracharya, the preacher of demons. Sukracharya advised him to please Lord Shiva by chanting the Mantra 'Om Namah Shivayah'
Lobhasura performed penance reiterating the name of Shiva. Shiva was pleased by him and blessed him to become the ruler of three domains. Under the influence of boon, Lobhasura conquered the kingdom of Heaven overthrowing its ruler, Lord Indra. He hurdled the existence on the Earth. Overcome by pride and greed, Lobhasura even send a word to Shiva to abandon his abode - Mount Kailash. Lord Shiva knew that Lobhasura was drowned in arrogance and greed. He smiled and left Kailash.
Lobhasura's rule had created a havoc all around. People suffered by his malice and Gods were tormented. They went around hiding themselves from Lobhasura. Finally, Gods approached Sage Raibhya asking him to show them a way to overthrow the demonic rule. Sage Raibhya advised Lobhasura to invoke Lord Ganesha.
The Gods invoked Lord Ganesha who agreed to help them.
Lord Ganesha incarnated as Gajaanana to annihilate Lobhasura. He approached Lord Vishnu and asked him to warn Lobhasura against the wrath of  Gajaanana against him. When Lord Vishnu appraised Gajaanana and illustrated his powers to Lobhasura, the demon's aggression was subsided. He was pacified and decided to surrender himself before Gajaanana.
The day came and Gajaanana came in full fury to kill Lobhasura. However, Lobhasura appraised Ganesha and surrender himself before him. He asked forgiveness for his sins. Ganesha was pleased by Lobhasura. He spared Lobhasura's life and asked him to return the kingdom of heaven to Lord Indra.
Lobhasura gave up his rule over the kingdom of heaven and returned to the hinterland following his directions. Peace was restored and Gods, humans glorified the incarnated form of Ganesha as Gajanana.

Lambodara- Fifth Incarnation of Ganesha 
Once Lord Vishnu disguised as an enchanting female named Mohini. As her name indicates, she had the power to entice anyone towards her.
Even Shiva was allured towards Mohini. Seeing this, Lord Vishnu abandoned his disguise as Mohini. Seeing this folly play, Shiva was enraged. His anger, disguist and dismay fused to seed the birth of a powerful demon named Krodhasura or the demon of anger.
Krodhasura under the guidance of Shukaracharya invoked the Sun God by performing austerities. He was given a boon by Sun God to become a powerful ruler.
Krodhasura invaded all three domains of existence - Heaven, Earth and Hinterland. The entire existence was shaken by the wrath of this demon. He married Preeti, the beautiful daughter of Sambara. He had two sons named Harsha (the happiness) and Soka (sadness).
The dominance of Krodhasura prevailed until the Gods invoked Lord Ganesha. They pleaded the God to help them overcome the wrath of Krodhasura. Ganesha accordingly incarnated as Lambodara.
Lambodara slayed Krodhasura and the peace was restored. The Gods returned to their abode in heaven. 

The seventh incarnation of Ganesha is Vighnaraja. In this incarnation Ganesha slayed Mamasur (also known as Mamtasur), the demon of attachment. This incarnation of Ganesha is most popular and is known as the remover of obstacles. Here Ganesha rides the great seven hooded serpent - Sheshnaag or Shasha.
Here is the story of how Mamasur was born.
Goddess Parvati was married to Lord Shiva on the auspicious night of Shivaratri. One day after their marriage, Shiva went into the deep forests for meditating. Meanwhile Parvati went to see her parents and friends in the kingdom of Himalayas ruled by her father the king - Himavan.

One day Goddess Parvati was walking in a garden with her friends. They walked and talked around. At times Parvati was teased by her friends taking Shiva's name. On one instances, Parvati burst out into a laughter. Since Parvati had thoughts of Shiva clouded all over her head, her laughter took form of a male being. Parvati was taken aback at this unusual manifestation. The male being respectfully asked Parvati, "O divine mother, how can serve you?"
Parvati was pleased by his gesture. She named him "Maaan" meaning the heart, as he was born when Parvati was in an elated state of heart. Parvati asked Maaan to remember and please Ganesha. He said, "Remember the name if Ganesha. He shall fulfil all your wishes".
Maaan influenced by the pious thoughts of Parvati receded to the forests, where he began meditating upon the name of Lord Ganesha.
One day Maaan was roaming in the forests, when he met Sambara. Sambara, a demon misguided Maaan and diverted his attention from glorifying Ganesha to demonic worship. Over a period of time, Maaan acquired the ways of demonic worship. His mind degraded to demonic ways and he came to be known as the  Mamasura.
Mamasura married Mohini, the daughter of Head of demons and became the ruler of all three domains. He drew the Gods out from heaven and hurdled the rituals if sages, humans who dwelled the earth. There was unrest all around.
Seeing this, the Gods of Heaven. propitiated Lord Ganesha. Ganesha pleased by their prayers, agreed to help them. He incarnated as Vighnaraja seated on the giant seven hooded name. He slayed Mamasura all with other demonic forces and returned the kingdom of Heaven back to Gods. Thus righteousness and peace were restored.

The eight incarnation of Ganesha Dhoomravarna is expected to appear at the end of Kali Yuga. This incarnation is stated both in Ganesh and Mudgala Puranas. It is a fierce form of Ganesha and has similarities with the Kalki Incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In this incarnation, Ganesha is said to acquire dark smoky hue and ride on a blue horse. In his incarnation as Dhoomravarna, Ganesha shall annihilate Ahamkarasur (or Abhimanasura), the demon of ego (self infatuation), pride and attachment.

Ahamkarasur emerged from Sun God. Here goes the story of his emergence -
Once Lord Brahma called the Sun God and gave him the lordship for karma (deeds). The Sun God was elated and he began manging the karmic effects of human deeds. Proudly, he was the God of Karma Rajya (domain of human deeds). 
Years passed by until, one day the Sun God was infatuation by himself. He thought to himself, "I am the lord of Karma. Proudly, I am the supreme governor of all the three worlds".
While this thought traversed his mind, the Sun God sneezed. These thoughts of self infatuation gathered into the sneeze from which arose the demon of infatuation - Ahamkarasur.
The demon went to the hinterland which was resided by the demons. The preacher of demons; Guru Sukracharya named him Ahamkarasur signifying his descent from the ego of Sun God.
On advise of his guru, Ahamkarasur performed austerities to please Lord Ganesha, who is God of intelligence. Ganesha was pleased by his penance and blessed him to be the sovereign ruler of all the three worlds - the Heaven, Earth and hinterland. Thus, ego came to rule minds of all humans, Gods an demons alike.
Ahamkarasur married Mamata the daughter of Pramadasura. Mamata was the Goddess of Motherly Love. They had two sons - Garva (blissful proud) and Sreshta (the foremost).
However, the Gods of Heaven desired return if their kingdom which was ruled by Ahamkarasur. They invoked Ganesha asking him for salvation. As said, this incarnation of Ganesha is yet to take place. The purpose of this incarnation is to clean universe for next cycle of creation.

The mythic forms of Ganesh tell us that Lord Ganesha has the power to subdue all human weaknesses such as envy, resentment, illusions, indecisiveness, greed, anger, desire, egotism, self-infatuation (arrogance). Hence Lord Ganesha is worshipped not only to seek materialistic merits but also the moral and spiritual growth. 


Demon Slay
As Vakratund
One who has curved trunk
Matsara (the demon of envy of jealousy)
As Ekadanta
One who has only one tusk

Mada, the demon of drunkenness
As Mahodara
One who has a big belly

Moha, the demon of illusion
As Gajânana
One who has elephant face

Lobha, the demon of greed
As Lambodara
One who has protuberant belly

Krodha, the demon of anger
As Vikata
One who is an impediment to evil

Kâma, the demon of desire
As Vighnarâja
One who is the King of obstacles
Mama, the demon of ego.
As Dhûmravarna
One who has tawny color

Ahamkâra, the demon of self-infatuation

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