28 July 2015

6. 32 Forms of Ganesha

The Srîtattvanidhi is a document written in the 19 th century in Karnataka, under the guidance of the Mysore Mahârâja. It compiles and describes in detail the thirty two main forms of Ganesh.

The Ganesha Purana describes the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha. Among these 32 forms, the Mahaganapathi is widely worshiped.

The first 16 forms of Ganesha are known by the name “Shodasa Ganapati” and the later ones are known as “Ekavimsathi”.

Here is a list of all 32 forms of Lord Ganesha -
1. Baala Ganapati
2. Dharuna Ganapati
3. Bhakti Ganapati
4. Veera Ganapati
5. Shakti Ganapati
6. Dwija Ganapati
7. Siddhi Ganapati
8. Ucchishta Ganapati
9. Vigna Ganapati
10. Kshipra Ganapati
11. Heramba Ganapati
12. Lakshmi Ganapati
13. Makara Ganapati
14. Vijaya Ganapati
15. Nritta Ganapati
16. Urdhva Ganapati
17. Ekakshara Ganapati
18. Vara Ganapati
19. Dhryakshara Ganapati
20. Kshipraprasaada Ganapati
21. Haridra Ganapati
22. Ekadhanta Ganapati
23. Srishti Ganapati
24. Utthanda Ganapati
25. Ranamochana Ganapati
26. Dundi Ganapati
27. Dwimukha Ganapati
28. Trimukha Ganapati
29. Simha Ganapati
30. Yoga Ganapati
31. Durga Ganapati
32. Sankatahara Ganapati

1. Bala Ganesh - The Little Ganesha
This is the child form of Ganesha. It represents the element of Earth (prithvi).
The little Ganesha in this form has Golden aura. He has modak in his trunk and his hands hold banana, mango, sugarcane and jackfruit - respecting abundance and prosperity.
Temple - Thillai Ganapathi in Sri Thillai Nataraja Temple, Chidambaram.

2. Taruna Ganesh - The Young Ganesha
Taruna Ganpatti is red colored with eight armed, respecting youthful energy and vigour. He holds a noose and goad, modaka, wood apple, rose apple,his broken tusk, a sprig of paddy and a sugar cane stalk.

3. Bhakti Ganesh - Ganesha in Devotion
In this form Ganesha appears very pleasing and endearing. He is adored with a garland around neck. This form of Ganesha is glorified during the festival celebrations. He has four arms and holds a banana, a mango, coconut and a bowl of sweet payasa pudding.

4. Vira Ganesh - The Brave Ganesha
In this form, Ganesha appears aggressive and valiant. He has sixteen arms each with a weapon -  goad, discus, bow, arrow, sword, shield, spear,mace, a battleaxe, a trident and more.

5. Shakti Ganesh - The Energy form of Ganesha
In this form, Ganesha is seated in Abhaya Mudra with one of his shaktis on his knee. He has four arms and holds garland, noose and goad. One of his and is held to bestow blessings.

6. Dvija Ganesh - The illuminated (moon like) Ganesha
The Dvija form of Ganesh is distinctively four headed. He has a silvery aura like moon.
In this form, Ganesha holds noose, a goad, an ola leaf structure, a staff, water vessel and japa beads. Here Ganesha gives us the message of disciplined living.

7. Siddhi Ganesh - The spiritual Ganesha
In this form, Ganesha has a magnificent golden-yellow hue. This form is the personification of achievement and self control.
Here Ganesha is seated with a bouquet of flowers, an axe, mango, sugarcane and in his trunk a tasty sesame sweet.

8. Ucchhishta Ganesh - The festive / celebrated form of Ganesha
Ucchhishta Ganesha is blue colored.
He has six arms.
In this form Ganesha is seated with Goddess Shakti and is believed to be the guardian of culture.
He holds vina, pomegranate, blue lotus flower, japa mala and a sprig of fresh paddy in his hands. (Note there are no objects of attack).

9. Vighna Ganesh - The barrier of Obstacles form
Vighna Ganesha is golden colored.
He is richly embellished.
He has eight arms each holding noose and goad, tusk and modaka, conch and discus, a bouquet of flowers, sugarcane, flower,arrow and an axe.

10. Kshipra Ganesh - The benevolent form of Ganesha
Kshipra Ganesha is red colored. He holds a tiny pot of jewels in his trunk signifying his benevolent nature.
He displays broken tusk, a noose, a goad and a spring of wish fulfilling tree (kalataru). The tree also represents his benevolent nature.

11. Heramba Ganapati (The Rider of Lion)
The Heramba form of Ganesha has five faces and is white colored. He rides a lion and extends the gesture of protection and blessing to the weak. He has four arms holding a noose, japa beads, axe, hammer, tusk, garland, fruit and modaka.

12. Lakshmi Ganapati (Wealth Bestower)
The Lakshmi Ganapati is white in color. He is seated in Varada Mudra (a yoga posture) flanked by Riddhi (wealth) and Siddhi (spiritual success) on either sides. In this form, Ganesha holds a green parrot, a pomegranate, sword, goad, noose, sprig of kalpavriksha and a water vessel.

13 Maha Ganapati (The Great Ganapati)
The Maha Ganapati has three eyes reinforcing his descend from Lord Shiva. He is red hued and accompanied by Riddhi and Siddhi. In this form Ganesha holds a tusk, a pomegranate, blue lily, sugarcane bow, discus, noose, lotus, paddy sprig, his weapon mace and a pot of gems.

14. Vijaya Ganapati (The Victorious Ganesha)
This form of Ganesha is believed to be the bestower of success. In this form Ganesha is red hued and has four arms. He rides a mouse (mushika). He holds a broken tusk, elephant goad, a noose and a luscious golden mango, his favorite fruit.

15. Nritya Ganapati (The Dancing Ganesha)
In this form, Ganesha stands with one of this legs lifted up in a dancing pose. He is happy to look at and appears to enjoy dancing with Dholak in his hands. In this form, Ganesha has four arms and sentilating golden hue. He is seen wearing rings on his fingers and holds tusk, goad, noose and modaka. He prances under the Kalpavriksha tree, the wish granting tree. The tree epitomizes wish fulfilling joy.

16. Urdhva Ganapati (The Elevated Ganesha)
Seated with one of His shaktis on His left knee, Urdhva Ganapati is "the Elevated" Lord of golden hue. In His six hands He holds a sprig of paddy, a lotus, the sugar cane bow, an arrow, His ivory tusk and a blue water lily.

17. Ekakshara Ganapati (The One Syllabic Ganesha)
The Ekakshara form of Ganesha symbolises the monosyllabic word - gana. Here Ganesha is red hued. He has three eyes and is adored in red silk. He is seated in lotus pose in his vehicle mouse. His crown bears a crescent moon and he holds a pomegranate, noose and goad.

18. Varada Ganapati (The Boon Giver Ganesha)
The Varada form of Ganesha has a prominent third eye of wisdom. He is the boon giving form of Ganesha whose crown is adored by the crescent. He is flanked by Riddhi and Siddhi on either sides and holds a dish of honey, a noose and goad. Interestingly, in this form Ganesha encloses a pot of jewels in His trunk.

19. Tryakshara Ganapati (Lord of Three Alphabets - A-U-M)
As the name indicates, the Tryakshara Ganesha is the Lord of three letters - A-U-M, which are believed to imbibe all cosmic energies. In this form, For Ganesha is golden colored. He has fly whisks in big floppy ears. He holds the broken tusk, goad, noose and mango. His trunk garners his favorite sweet - the modakas.

20. Kshipra Prasada Ganapati (The Benevolent Ganesha)
The Kshipra Prasada Ganesha is believed to be the benevolent form of Ganesha who is easy to please and grants rewards to devotees easily. In this form Ganesha is seated on throne of Akusha-grass. He has a large protruding belly and his hands hold a noose, goad, tusk, lotus, pomegranate and a twig of the Kalpa Viksha tree.

21. Haridra Ganapati (The Golden Hued Ganedha)
The Haridra Ganapati is adored with bright yellow vestments. He sits calmly on a royal throne. He has four arms and holds a tusk, modaka, noose and a goad.

22. Ekadanta Ganapati (One tusked Ganesha)
In this form Ganesha is distinctively blue and has a sizable belly. He holds an axe (to break bonds of ignorance and arrogance), a garland of prayer beads for recitations, broken right tusk and the sweet he relishes - the laddus.

23. Srishti Ganapati (The Endure of Nature)
In this form Ganesha has red hues and rides on the mouse. Ganesha in this form represents the bounty and bliss of nature (Shristi). He holds a goad, a perfect mango. His tusk represents selfless sacrifice.

24. Uddanda Ganapati (The Enforcer of Religion)
In Uddanda form, Ganesha enforces the laws of religion (humanity). He has ten hands and holds a broken tusk, noose, garden, box of gems, a blue lily, sugarcane, a mace, lotus flower, sprig of paddy, a pomegranate and a garland.

25. Rinamochana Ganapati (The liberator or granter of salvation)
The Rinamochana form of Ganesha is believed to give salvation. He liberates humans from guilt and bondage.
In this firm, Ganesha has a figure of alabaster adored with red silks. He holds a noose, a goad, right broken tusk and rose apple.

26. Dhundhi Ganapati (One who is sought after)
The Dhundhi Ganesha is red colored. He is believed to protect all his true devotees. In this form, Ganesha holds a strand of rudraksha beads, broken tusk, an axe and a small pot of precious gems.

27. Dvimukha Ganapati (Two faced Ganedha)
Dvimukha Ganapati has two divergent faces and sees in all directions. In this form Ganesha is blue green in color. He is adored with red silk and wears a bejeweled crown. He holds a noose, goad, broken tusk and a pot of gems.

28. Trimukha Ganapati (Three faced Ganesha)
The Trimukha Ganesha has three faces and is seated on a golden lotus. In this form Ganesha bears red hue and holds a noose, goad and vessel of nectar. His right hand is decpitated with gesture of protection while the left hand shows gesture of blessings.

29. Sinha Ganapati (The Lion Rider, fearless form)
The Sinha Ganesha is the fealess form of Ganesha. He is white hued and rides a lion (hence the name Sinha). There is another lion in his hand symbolizing strength and fearlessness. In this form, Ganesha holds kalpavriksha sprig, the vina, a lotus blossom, flower bouquet and a pot of jewels.

30. Yoga Ganapati (Ganesha in Meditation)
As the name indicates, in this form Ganesha is seated in a yogic posture. His color is that of rising sun. He us adored with blue garments. His eyes are not completely closed and appear to be absorbed in meditation. He holds a yoga staff, sugar cane stalk, a noose and prayer beads.

31. Durga Ganapati (The invincible Ganesha)
In Durga form, Ganesha bears deep gold color. He is adored in red silk and holds a bow arrow, noose and goad, prayer beads, broken tusk and a rose apple. This form of Ganesha is invincible and symbolizes victory over darkness (evil forces).

32. Sankatahara Ganapati (The destroyer of evil forces)
The Sankatahara form of Ganesha bears sentilating sunlike hues. He is seated on a lotus flower and gestures boon granting varada Mudra. This form of Ganesha us believed to be the destroyer of evil forces. He holds a bowl of pudding, a goad and a noose.

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