28 July 2015

4. Ganesha Curses Tulsi

God Ganesha is the first one to be worshipped on any auspicious beginning. He is offered all sorts of green leaves, sacred flowers, fruits and sweets except the Tulsi leaves. Here is a legendary story associated with this custom.

Although the basil plant is considered sacred and worshipped, its placement in Ganesha worship is sternly restrained. It is because Tulsi was cursed by Ganesha. Here goes the story....

Tulsi was a beautiful maiden. She was daughter of Dharmaraja, the King of righteousness.

One day Tulsi was roaming in forest completely observed in ecstatic devotion towards Lord Vishnu. She was in prime of her youth and filled with desires. While roaming the lonely forests, she came across an hermitage near the banks of holy River Ganga. She went inside the hermitage. It was a serene and beautiful place amid lush green plants and blossoms.

Tulsi went around admiring the hermitage, when she saw Ganesha seated alone, completely observed. Ganesha appeared very alluring and adorable. He was dressed gracefully and bore youthful charm and magnetism. Tulsi was enchanted seeing Ganesha. She sat besides, quietly admiring Ganesha.
Time passed by.

When Ganesha woke up, he saw Tulsi watching him dearly. Ganesha respectfully called her, "Devi!"

Hearing Ganesha, Tulsi came to her senses. She humbly bowed before Ganesha. Ganesha asked Tulsi, "Devi, what are doing here?"

Tulsi was overcome by her desire for Ganesha. She said, "O great Ganesha, I am completely allured by your grace. You are magnificent and incomparable. I wish to marry and serve you".

Ganesha was taken aback by Tulsi's statement. He said, "O gracious, I cannot marry you. I have taken a vow of celebraicy which I cannot violate".

However Tulsi was deeply captivated by Ganesha and attempted to convince him again. Ganesha was annoyed. He raised his voice and said, "Go away, I cannot marry you".

Tulsi found Ganesha's refusal insulting. She was enraged and cursed him - "Ganesha, you are too proud of yourself. I curse you - one day you will be forced to voilate your vow of celebracy".

Ganesha's was shocked and surprised by Tulsi's words. Tulsi's words of curse came unexpected to him. He was now bitterly enraged and said, "Tulsi, you are deeply drowned in your desire for marriage. Deep in these desires, you have failed to understand reasons and your words have come uncontrolled. I curse you that you shall be married to a demon. Following this, you will be reduced to a mere plant and all your desires shall be curbed".

Ganesha's words enlightened Tulsi. She suddenly realised her pride, folly and desires. She felt sorry for her unthoughtful words and began grieving over Ganesha's curse.

Filled with remorse and fear Tulsi began weeping. She said, "O Great Ganesha, I am enlightened. I realise my mistake. I beg you - O great God, relieve me from your curse! It is a matter of great dishonour for me and my family".

Ganesha understood the heartfelt apology of Tulsi. He relented and said, "Tulsi, these curses were dictated to happen by Higher Gods for merit of existence at large. I cannot take back my curse, however I bless you - in your existence as plant, you would be venerated as a very pious plant abd would be worshipped. Your leaves would be holy,  fragrant and signify purity. Your leaves shall be offered to Lord Vishnu and you shall be always dear to him. However your leaves should never be placed in my worship".

Tulsi gratified Ganesha for his mercy and blessings. Saying this Ganesha left the hermitage  and went to Badrikashram.
Time went by and later under the effect of Ganesha's curse, Tulsi married the powerful demon King Jalandhara (Shankhachuda). After Jalandhara died in a war between the God and demons, Tulsi took form of a plant. Since then she is worshipped as a holy plant.

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