28 July 2015

5. Fall of Kubera's Pride

There is an old saying "Pride always leads to a fall". The story here relates to pride of Lord Kubera.

Kubera is the God of Wealth and celestial treasure. He is the step brother of Ravana and ruled the Kingdom of Lanka before it was taken away from him by Ravana. The Golden Chariot (Puspak Vahan) was also processed by Kuber until Ravana took it away from Kubera. Here is a story related to a grand feast once organised by Kubera.

Back in time, once Kubera ruled the kingdom of Lanka. He had amassed immense wealth and become very arrogant. He took immense pride in his position as the treasurer. One day, Kubera thought of inviting all Gods to this golden palace in an attempt to show them his excellence. He was overcome by pride, vanity and pomp. He decided to host a lavish feast - one like that had been never hosted ever before. Kubera thought it would enhance his standing and influence among Gods and humans.

Kubera was great devotee of Lord Shiva who had appointed him as the treasurer, made him the ruler of Lanka and gave him the boon that his wealth would never finish no matter how much he spend or gave it. Thus, he decided to first visit Shiva and invite him and his consort for the grand feast.

Kubera humbly requested the grand presence of Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati for the grand feast. However, they declined reasoning they had another priority. However Shiva quoted, "Kubera, my son Ganesha can come to attend the feast ceremony".

Kubera was elated. He gratified Shiva for agreeing to send Ganesha. He said, "O mighty Shiva, I would have been grateful if you and your entire family would have come to the grand feast. However, I am still contended and thankful that Ganesha is coming to add grace to the ceremony. He would be the guest of honor at the feast and the event shall start only after his arrival".

Ganesha was pleased. He exchanged witty smile with his parents.

Saying this Kubera went back to his Kingdom of Alankapuri. The preparations for the feast began. Finally the great day arrived.
Shiva informed Ganesha about Kuber's pride. He asked Ganesha to handle the situation intelligently and  tactfully.

All Gods from the Heaven arrived. Kuber's relatives, the demons also came. Human massed in large number. Finally Ganesha arrived and before Kubera could welcome him Ganesha bustled, "Kubera, I am hungry. Start serving the food right away".

Kubera was puzzled, but he rushed to bring food for Ganesha himself. Ganesha began eating endlessly....Kubera and his servants kept serving Ganesha, but his hungry did not subsided. He continued eating. Kubera was gripped by fear and surprise. The entire feast food was exhausted. 

Kubera asked his men to prepare more food, but Ganesha outpaced them all. When there was no food left and no food served, Ganedha angrily called, "Kubera, bring food for me. My hunger is burgeoning".

Kubera felt lost. He bowed before Ganesha, in attempt to pacify Him but before he could say anything Ganesha took stride and entered the royal kitchen. He scooped the entire kitchen in one go. Kubera stood aghast, watching the kitchen disappear.

Now Ganesha acquired the giant form and stood before Kubera asking him, "Kubera, you called us for the feast. There is no food for me, leave alone your other guest".

Kubera wondered how he would serve Ganedha and other guests. Meanwhile, Ganesha driven by hunger scooped the entire treasure of Kubera.

Kubera was now left with no food and no treasure. Thousands of guests stood watching. Kubera felt he was great lose- he not only lost all his treasure, he was now set to loose his pride and respect, as the guest would mock at his inability to serve them.
Meanwhile, Ganesha in his gaint form, came and asked Kubera for food. He said, "Kubera you are unable to serve me. Why did you host the feast which is not within your capacity? Serve me or I shall leave this place".

Kubera felt belittled and disgraced. His arrogance came to ground as millions of gatherers stood watching Kubera as he stood helpless - unable to serve his one guest alone! 

Kubera uttered in a low voice, "O mighty Ganesha, I have nothing left to serve you. Forgive me".

Hearing this Ganesha said, "No, you have to serve me and all guest here. You have called us for the grand feast".

Kubera could not hold his feeling back and broke into tears. He was humbled. He remembered Lord Shiva, praying Him to rescue him from the perplexing situation.

Lord Shiva heard Kubera and appeared before the Kubera. Seeing Shiva, Ganesha reduced himself to his real form. The entire gathering bowed before Shiva.

Kubera fell on Shiva's feet, asking for forgivance and help. He said, "O mighty Shiva, help me. My entire wealth has been eradicated. I seem to have lost all what I had. Have pity on me the benevolent Shiva!"

Lord Shiva said, "Kubera, wealth amassed has no value if it is not used for the welfare and merit of people. You should not be proud of wealth".

Kubera was humbled. He understood Shiva's message and pleaded him to forgive him. Lord Shiva blessed Kubera and mutely gave direction to Ganesha.

Lord Ganesha revived the grand treasure and replenished the kitchen with feast food. He asked Kubera to serve all his guest.
Kubera gratified Lord Shiva and Ganesha. The feast for Gods, demons and masses began. Kubera distributed precious processions from his treasure to all the guest. The feast concluded happily with satisfaction.

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