28 July 2015

3. The Gaze of Shani

The story here relates to how Lord Ganesha acquired the elephant head. It is sourced from the Brahma Vaivarta Purana.

Lord Shiva married Goddess Parvati and they began living happily on the Mount Kailash.

Once Shiva went into the deep forests for meditating. Parvati felt very lonely and aloof. After Shiva returned, Parvati expressed her desire to have a child.

Lord Shiva insisted that Parvati should fast for a year (called punyaka vrata) to propitiate blessings of Lord Vishnu for grant of son.

Goddess Parvati followed Shiva's advise and performed austerities to invoke Lord Vishnu.  

Lord Vishnu hearing the prayers of Parvati blessed her with a son.
In fact, it is mentioned that lord Vishnu assured Parvati that he would incarnate himself as her son in every eon (kalpa). Thus, Ganesha was born to Parvati.
Parvati named him Vinayaka.

Shiva returned on the divine call of Parvati. All Gods, Ganas gathered to celebrate the arrival of little Vinayaka. They glorified Him – sang songs in His praise and danced. Mount Kailash was filled with the joyous sound of drum beats and chimes. Even Shiva played his drumru. The great mingling brought immense joy to Shiva family, Gods and Ganas.

While all Gods rose in praise of arrival of Shiva’s son and prosptrates before Him, God Shani (Saturn) the son the Sun God, stood aloof with this head down. When the feast began and Parvati offered him to accept the meal and bless Ganesha, Shani with his head down replied, “O merciful Goddess, I cannot see you son. I am cursed to have an obliterate glance”.

Goddess Parvati was surprised by Shani’s self beltting remarks. She found it hard to believe and respectfully insisted that Shani should approach Ganesha and bless him. Even Shiva insisted.

Shani knew the malice his gaze could do, however he yielded to Shiva and Parvati's persuasion. He stepped ahead. As he lifted his face, a very deep black face with fiery eyes was revealed.  He bore a sully appearance.

The embellished Vinayaka sat proudly between Shiva and Parvati. He giggled and laughed seeing the Ganas dancing around. He held a bowl of modaks. However as Shani saw Viayaka to bless him, the bowl of modaks fell and his face was  reduced to ashes. There was a sudden cry of anguish and Goddess Parvati stood devasted seeing her son. The Gods and Ganas spectated in fear and amazement. Shani repented what happened and pleaded Shiva Parvati to forgive him.

The mass of Gods and Ganas stood aghast. Parvati was devastated and she wept ceaselessly. Even Shiva stood bolted in grief. However, Lord Vishnu came to rescue. He assured Shiva and Parvati that Ganesha’s life would be revived.

Lord Vishnu traversed the Earth on his mount Garuda (the giant eagle) to find another head. On the banks of Pushpa-Bhadra river, he saw an elephant nearing his end. Lord Vishnu took the head of the elephant to Kailash. He offered it to Shiva who fused Ganesha’s beheaded human body with the elephant’s head. Ganesha got life back and came to be known as Gajanan. He was elevated to status of highest divinity by Shiva. Hence Ganesha is the first god to be worshipped at start of any endeavor.

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