28 July 2015

1. The Intelligent Ganesha

There is famous story about Lord Ganesha and his brother Lord Kartika. The core story has Ganesha competing with his brother Kartika. The story has been told, retold, and presented in multiple versions. However, the conclusion of every story like its core remain intact -Lord Ganesha is witty and intelligent and wins the competition in all versions.

Here is one such versions of the story -
Once the Gods from heaven came to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati with a giant 'modak of wisdom'. They respectfully presented the dumpling to the divine couple. However, Shiva ad Parvati declined to accept the offering for themselves. The modak was beautifully ornate with silver. It appeared to be studded with rich raisins and nuts. It looked very appealing and both Ganesha and his Kartika were tempted to have it.
Seeing her sons' faces filled with a longing for the rich dumpling, Parvati blissfully accepted the modak. However the Gods, while presenting the modak to the great Goddess affirmed, "O divine lady, we are gratified  that your accepted our offering. However, this modak should not be divided. It should be eaten wholly by a person".

Hearing the condition, Parvati was in a fix. She kept the modak aside and asked Shiva to intervene. Shiva was amused to see Ganesha and Kartika longing for the bounty dumpling. He decided to present the modak to one who proves his 'mettle'.

Thus, Shiva dictated, "Kartika, Ganesha both of you heard that this modak cannot be shared. Either one of you can enjoy it. To me you both are equally dear and therefore I cannot be biased by offering it to anyone of you by my instinct. Therefore lets take a test - encircle this universe thrice. Whosoever returns to me first, shall be gracefully given this modak".

Both Ganesha and Kartika agreed. Shiva signalled the start of race. Kartika began pacing to circumnavigate the universe proudly on his brillant swift Mount - the peacock.

Ganesha watched his brother racing away. He thoughfully sat on his little mouse. When the mouse took the first step forward, Ganesha jumped up. He asked the mouse to return to house.

Ganesha ran to his parents and bowed before them. His parents were seated on a rocky platform. Ganesha prostrated before them and encircled them thrice. Shiva and Parvati watched in amazement but said nothing. Shiva gave a muted smile.

When Ganesha completed three rounds and venrated before his parents again, Parvati peped in and asked, "Ganesha, donot you remember that you are competing with your brother? He left long back and you have not yet started. I wonder how can you be so ignorant".

Ganesha giggled pleasingly and explained, "Father, mother, you saw me circle around you thrice. For me my universe is my parents. Hence, I encircled the periphery around you ! I have won the race. Mother please let me enjoy the modak now!"

Shiva, Parvati, Gods and Ganas who stood around were pleased by Ganesha's reason and presence of mind. Shiva proudly offered the rand modak to Ganesha. The Gods and Ganas - all glorified Ganesha and Shiva declared Ganesha to be embodiment of Bhuddhi (meaning intelligence). He was praised by all of them.

After hours of traversing, Kartika returned to Kailsha after completing three rounds around the universe. He looked elated by the great achievement. He returned to the place from where the race had began only to find that Shiva was seated there alone in meditation. The Gods and Ganas had left and could not be seen. Even mother Parvati was not around.

Kartika searched for his mother. Parvati was quietly asleep, while Ganesha snored. He sat besides his mother, who woke up by his presence. Parvati told Kartika how Ganesha won the race. Hearing his defeat, Kartika was deep in tears. He fled the Mountains of Kailash and hide himself far away in far southern mountains.

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