20 August 2015

30. Story of Syamantaka Jewel

It is belief that seeing moon he night of the Ganesh Chaturthi brings false accusations. Legends have the story of Syamantaka jewel which can be heard/read as a remedy by those who inadvertently see the moon on the night of the Ganesh Chaturthi.

Syamantaka Jewel also called Syamantaka mani or Shyamantakahad. It is known to possess magical powers. It was held that the land which possessed this gem shall never encounter destruction from natural calamities such as droughts, floods, earthquakes or famines, and shall prosper with plenitude.

This story about Syamantaka jewel appears both in the Vishnu Purana and the Bhagavata. The gem originally belonged to the Sun God who wore it around his neck. It is said that Syamantaka produced eight bhāras (approximately 170 pounds) of gold daily for its keeper. It is believed that the dazzling appearance of Sun God was due to Syamantaka.

The gem exchanged many hands -from God -to humans,- to Demi Gods,- to animals, to humans - to its present existence which is unknown !! 

Part 1 - Sun God's Boon to Satrajit

Once there lived a Yadava King named Satrajit. He was an ardent devotee of Surya, the Sun God.

Satrajit offered prayers to the Sun God daily. One day when he was observed in praying seated along the vast shoreline, the Sun God manifested himself before him. The Sun God bore a very luminous appearance. Satrajit was unable to see him due to the blinding forceful light. He requested the Sun God to appearance less dazzling. The Sun God took off the gem he wore around his neck. This gem was the Syamantaka jewel.

The Sun God appeared tarnished without the Syamantaka jewel. He had fiery soared red eyes like fireballs but the brilliance of his body casted off when he set aside the Syamantaka jewel. The Sun God blessed Satrajit and pleased by his devotion, asked him to express his wish. Satrajit was allured by the powerful Syamantaka jewel. He asked Sun God to give him the Syamantaka. The Sun God granted him his wush and thus Satrajit came to acquire the Syamantaka jewel.

Part 2 - Satrajit and The Fame of Syamantaka Jewel

Syamantaka was very a powerful and adorable gem. When Satrajit wore it around his neck, he appeared like the fiery lustrous Sun God himself. The gem bestowed its holder eight loads of gold everyday. Thus, by processing this gem, Satrajit became very rich. Soon the fame of this gem spread around.

One afternoon when Satrajit sat in the royal garden alone, Krishna came to see him. Seeing this, Satrajit immediately wore the gem around his neck. Krishna knew Satrajit was very proud of the gem and of the wealth and fame he had acquired because of it. Krishna asked Satrajit to present the gem to Ugrasena, the supreme leader of the Yadavas. He said, “Paath (meaning brother), Syamantaka is a wonderful gift of Sun God to mankibd. It should be used for the merit of masses. I suggest that you should present this gem to Ugrasena”.

However, Satrajit was very possessive about Syamantaka. He denied parting with it.

Part 3 - Krishna and the Disappearance of  Syamantaka

King Satrajit had a brother named Prasen. Prasen was a small ruler who ruled one of a provinces in the Yadava empire. King Satrajit surrendered himself to brotherly bondage and kindly presented the gem to Prasen. Prasen wore the jewel every time he went out.

Once Prasen went out for hunting in the forest. He was attacked by a lion and mercilessly killed. The lion even carried away the jewel.

However, when Jambavan - the King of bears (or gorillas) came to know about the jewel, he attacked the lion. A fierce fight took place between the two and the lion met its end. Thus, now the Syamantaka jewel now came in the hands of Jambavan. Jambavan is one of the seven immortals (Chiranjeevi). He was loyal to Lord Rama.

On the other hand, when people came to know about Prasen’s sudden death and the missing jewel, Krishna came on the radar of their suspicion. Satrajit accused Krishna of killing his brother for the sake of acquiring the jewel. Krishna resolved to bring the truth before people.

Part 4 - Krishna finds Syamantaka 

Krishna set out in search of the gem. He went to forest where Prasen went for hunting. He closely followed the trail leading to his corpse. He found trails of lion there and followed it further. He reached a place where the dead lion was lying. The place had footprints of a bear, following which Krishna reached the Jambavan's cave.

Krishna found Jambavan's kid was playing with the jewel. When Krishna stepped ahead to take away the jewel from the child’s hand, Jambavan came up in its defense. Krishna asked Jambavan to surrender the jewel as he desired to return it to its rightful owner. Jambavan however denied. Thus, a fierce brawl ensured between them which lasted for some twenty eight days! Eventually, Jambavan got tired. He was the strongest being existing on the Earth at that time. He wondered who would weaken him. 

Jambavan's was religious by nature and as said earlier had served lord Rama. Jambavan was now enlightened and realized that he had been fighting against Lord Krishna, the incarnate of his Lord, Rama himself!. Jambavan asked for forgiveness from Krishna. He prostrated before Krishna and returned the gem to him.   

Jambavan married his daughter - Jambavati to Krishna. Krishna returned to his city of Dwarka with Jambavati and the jewel. 

Krishna returned the jewel to Satrajit. Satrajit initially accepted the jewel, but he was filled with shame and guilt. He deeply repented for falsely accusing Krishna. He offered Syamantaka to Krishna, however the later refused to accept it. To atone for the offence of falsely accusing Krishna, Satrjit offered to marry his daughter Satyabhama to KrishnaKrishna happily married Satyabhama, who was known to be endowed with all divine qualities.  

Part 5 - Killing of Satrajit 

Days passed by and one day Krishna came to hear that his cousins Pandav brothers and their mother Kunti were burnt alive in their new place home. Hearing this Krishna rushed the capital of Hastinapur with his elder brother Balarama.

During the absence of Krishna from Dwarka; Kritavarma, Akrura and Satadhanwa entered the palace of Satrajit one night and killed him in his sleep. They ran away with the jewel.

When Satrajit’s daughter Satyabhama came to know about her father’s merciless killing, she rushed to Hastinapura to inform Krishna about her father’s slay. Hearing this Krishna and Balarama headed back to Dwaraka.

When Satadhanwa came to knew that Krishna was heading to avenge the killing of Satrajit he fled away on his horse leaving the gem with Akrura. However, he was caught by Krishna and his brother Balaram. Satadhanwa was killed by Krishna near river Mithila.

On the other hand, Akrura fled to Kashi with the Syamantaka jewel. When Krishna came to know about this he send message to Akrura asking him to surrender himself and the gem. Fearing the powers of Krishna, Akrura agreed to return to Dwarka.

Akrura admitted his guilt before Krishna. Krishna forgave Akrura and asked him to keep the jewel with himself on the condition that he would always remain in the city of Dwaraka

Does the story of Syamantaka jewel ends here ? May be not. Beyond this, the story and physical existence) of the Syamantaka jewel remains a mystery (unrevealed history) or may be lost !

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