Ganesha Stories

Mythological legends encompass many fascinating stories around the Great God Ganesha. These stories have continued to enchant the devotees over the ages. They add spiritual essence to the devotional cult and bring a deeper meaning to the worship of this unique elephant deity. The stories also decipher meaning behind many traditions and cult.

Ever wondered how we came to hear and learn these mythological stories? These legendary tales are sourced from ancient scriptures, Vedic verses and the Puranic texts. At times there are multiple versions of same tale. Each version says the same story in different plot adding fascination about Ganpati. These stories are timeless for the burgeoning devotional mass, cultural enthusiasts, story tellers and reteller, researchers and educationalists.

In this blog, I have presented the mythological stories of Ganesha. It an attempt towards story retelling, keeping alive the elements of  (1) immense glory of  Ganesha, (2) resurface the cults and traditions (3) moral liasioning (4) rejuvenate the festive and devotional essence.

So read, re-read, tell, retell, glory the stories and let your heart rejoice in Ganesha's voice.  


  1. Really interesting information on Lord Ganesh ....equally relevant for kids as well as grown ups...and make for interesting bed time stories ...keep up the good work Kudos !

  2. Kudos Gaurav, Ganesha is quite an interesting God!


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