03 August 2015

2.2 Story of Siddhivinayak, Siddhatek

The story Siddhivinayak Siddhatek dates back to the earliest epoch of time - the Treta Yuga when there was no existence. 

The story of Siddhivinayak Siddhatek begun when Lord Brahma invoked Lord Ganesha by chanting his monosyllabic mantra (AUM) with a desire to create world.

Pleased by His penance, Lord Ganesh appeared before Lord Brahma and gave him the boon that he would successfully create the world.

Thus Lord Brahma began the task of creating the world. He created the moon from his heart, the Earth from his legs and the Sun from his eyes. The Heaven was created from his head, and air began emanating from his ears. He created trees, plants, humans, animals seas, rivers and so on.

While Lord Brahma was creating the world, Lord Vishnu was deep asleep (state called yogindra). During his sleep, two demons named Madhu and Kaitabha arose from his ear dirt.

Madhu and Kaitabha left the abode of Lord Vishnu. When they saw Lord Brahma was creating the world, they began harassing him. They began killing the living beings and dsstroyed vegtation. Lord Brahma and the entire creation was tormented by the demons. Finally Lord Brahma decided to wake up Lord Vishnu and ask him to slay the demons.

To wake Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma disguised as the Goddess of Sleep (Nidradevi) and played around Lord Vishnu. This distracted Lord Vishnu and he woke up. Lord Brahma brought to his attention the havoc created by the demons and requested him to slay them to bring harmony to existence.

Lord Vishnu thus began fighting the demons. He fought with them for over 5000 years, but the demons could not be slayed. So Lord Vishnu diguised as the celestial musician - Gandharva and began playing the veena. The sound of the veena was very melodious. The pleasing sound allured all Gods and even the demons.

Hearing the enchanting sound, Lord Shiva asked his Ganas - Nikumbh and Pushpadanta to bring Lord Vishnu to Mount Kailash.

Lord Vishnu (in guise of Gandharva) came to Mount Kailash with Nikumbh and Pushpadanta. He humbly bowed before Lord Shiva and continued to charm Lord Shiva with the mesmerizing sound of the veena. After a prolonged playing when Lord Vishnu stopped; the benevolent Lord Shiva told Vishnu to seek for a boon for himself. 

Lord Vishnu narrated the rise of demons Madhu and Kaitabha, and the havoc created by them. He asked Lord Shiva to show him a way to slay these demons. On this Lord Shiva revealed, "Your struggle against these demons had been unsuccessful because you forgot to remember Lord Ganesha at the start of war against these demons".

Lord Shiva then gave six lettered Ganesh Mantra to Lord Vishnu and asked him to meditate with the Mantra at Siddhi Kshetra.

Lord Vishnu chanted the said Mantra for more than hundred years until Lord Ganesha appeared and bestowed him with the powers to slay Madhu, Kaitabha and other demons. The place where this happened is called Siddhatak. The form of Ganesha worshipped here is called Siddhivinayak as Lord Vishnu attained Siddhi (attainment of spiritual strenght through divine revelations) here.

After attaining siddhi, Lord Vishnu once again returned to slay the demons Madhu and Kaitabha. Lord Vishnu tactically said,"Madhu, Kaitabha- its been years since you have been fighting against me. I am pleased by your valour. Ask me for any boon".

The demons felt equal to Lord Vishnu and proudly said, "We are pleased by your valor. You can ask us for any boon".

Now Lord Vishnu brought the situation under his control and said, "Madhu, Kaitabha...grant me the boon that I shall slay you both".

Madhu and Kaitabha were taken aback. They saw water all around and said, "You can lkil us but at a place where there is no water". So Lord Vishnu took a gigantic form. He placed the demons on his thighs and slayed them with his Sudarshan Chakra.

The place where Lord Vishnu attained Siddhi is considered highly auspicious. Lord Vishnu built a temple of Ganesha here and is was called Siddhvinayak Temple.

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