20 August 2015

29. Story of Kroncha - Ganesha's Mouse

The court of Lord Indra had many adorable celestial maids (apsaras), demi Gods and Gandharvas. Both Apsaras and Gandharva were admirable class of demi-Gods. They were proud of themselves. The Gandharvas were celestial musicians. They performed in the court of Indra along with the Apsaras.

The story here relates to a Gandharva named Kroncha.

One day Lord Indra asked the Gandharvas and the Apsaras to perform in his court. The Gods, Demi-Gods and Sages assembled in the court to enjoy the celestial performance. A Sage named Vamadeva also came to attend the show. The court of Indra was crowded and Sage Vamadeva stood near the doorway leading to the court.

When Kroncha came hurriedly through the corridor to enter the stage, he stepped on the toe of Sage Vamadeva by an accident. Kroncha instead of apologizing, insulted Vamadeva saying, "Why are you standing on the threshold? It hinders the way of bypassers. Now step aside!"

Vamadeva was hurt by Kroncha's impolite intonation and disrespectful attitude. He was filled with rage and pronounced a curse on Kroncha, "Kroncha, you are filled with ego and pride. You speak unthoughtfully in vain. Your attitude does not fits your existence as a Gandharva. I curse you that you will be reduced to a mere mouse. Your pride and beauty shall soon come to a fall".

Kroncha was terrified to hear the sage's curse. He immediately fell on the pious feet of Sage and pleaded him to forgive him. Sage Vamadeva took pity on Kroncha and said, "Kroncha, I cannot take back my words. However, I bless you that in your existence in the form of a mouse you shall serve as the mount of Lord Ganesha. He will eventually relieve you of your miseries".

Kroncha gratified Sage Vamadeva but soon the curse pronounced on Kroncha came true and he was soon reduced to a mouse. He was ashamed and abandoned the court of Indra.

Kroncha came down on the Earth and began roaming the forests. He often climbed tree and destroyed nests of the birds, dug holes in ground, broke away branches and so on. One day he followed a muddy lane thought the forest and reached a village. There he began destroying the standing crops in the farm. Soon he invaded the hut houses. He dug hide out holes and quietly destroyed the stored food. He broke earthen pots with water and tattered clothes, baskets and cane threshers. There was havoc all around. People came to misery.

One day the mouse ran to the other side of the village where Sage Parashara lived in his hermitage with his disciples. Soon they were troubled by the mouse. The mouse often destroyed and contaminated the grain and food disciples brought back. They often slept hungry. Life appeared to be ruined by the mischiefs of this mouse.

One day, Lord Ganesha visited the hermitage of Sage Parashara. The disciple welcomed and served Lord Ganesha. However, the presence of mouse troubled them all. Seeing the signs of anxiety around, Lord Ganesha asked them the cause of their worry. The disciples narrated how the mouse had been troubling them. They asked Ganesha to show them a way to get rid of the mouse.

Soon Ganesha targeted the mouse with his noose (pasha) and mounted it. Gripped firmly by Ganesha's noose and weighted under Him, Kroncha was humbled. He realised this mistake and said, "O great Ganesha, I am humbled. Forgive me for the sins I committed. I wish to serve you and be besides you always. Be my guide, be master and releave me from my misery".

Ganesha accepted Kroncha's apology. He said, "Kroncha, you will now be my steer. I shall mount you as my Vahana. You shall always be seated on my side".

Ganesha bestowed powers to Kroncha to bear his weight. Lord Ganesha mounted Kroncha and they happily left for Mount Kailash.

In another legend, Krauncha is stated to have been cursed by Saubhari. He was born as in form of a mouse as the son of Sage Kashyapa and later became Mount of Lord Ganesha.

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