29 August 2015

24. Four Incarnations of Ganesha

There are four different incarnations of Lord Ganesha according to Kridakhanda of Ganesh Purana.

1. Mahotkat Vinayak
Ganesha incarnated as Mahotka in the Krutyuga. He was born to Sage Kashyap and Aditi (Aditi is also mother of Sun God, Aditya). In this incarnation, Ganesha slewed Devantak and Narantak and reinstalled righteousness (Dharma).

Gunesh Franked by Riddhi Siddhi
2. Gunesh
In Tretayug, Ganapati was born to Uma on the fourth day (chaturthi) of the bright fortnight of lunar month of Bhadrapad. In this form, Ganesha slayed the demon Sindhu. He married Riddhi and Siddhi, the daughters of Lord Brahma.

3. Ganesh
Ganesha was born to Goddess Parvati in Dvaparyug. He was bought up under the guidance of Sage Parashar. In this incarnation, Ganesha slewed Sindurasur. He preached his devotee Varenya the eternal philosophy. This knowledge is contained in Ganeshgita.

4. Dhumraketu
Dhumraketu or Dhumravarna is the fourth incarnation of Ganesha. This incarnation is yet to take place. According to the Bhavishya Puran, in this incarnation of Ganesh shall happen in the Kaliyug to annihilate the evildoers.

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