04 August 2015

8.2 Story of Shree Mahaganapati Ranjagaon

Once there lived a wise sage named Gritsamada during Treta Yuga. He was a devotee of Lord Ganesha and is believed to have composed the Mantra - 'Gananam Tvam Ganapati’.

Once during the winter season, Sage Gritsamada travelled to far North. He came under the influence of extreme cold and caught cough. His condition became worse as the weather grew bad. Intense cold led to heavy coughing and once when the sage was coughing, a reddish alive child was born out of his cough. The boy was Gritsamada son. He grew up to be Tripurasur.

Tripurasur was very ambitious. He desired to rule all three worlds. However, his father Sage Gritsamada intended to deviate his son's mind towards devotion. He asked him to worship Lord Ganesha. He taught him the Ganesh Mantra “Gananam Tvam ganapati Havamahe”.

Tripurasur chanted the Ganesha Mantra for over 5000 years. His penance pleased Lord Ganesha, who asked Tripurasur to seek a boon from him.

Tripurasur asked Lord Ganesha, "O Great Ganesha, I intend to rule all three worlds. No God, demi-God, man should have the power to defeat me".

Lord Ganesha blessed Tripurasur saying, "Tripurasur, all your desires shall be fulfilled. However, Lord Shiva retains the power to defeat you. I am giving you three cities each made of iron, gold and silver - you shall rule them as Tripura. As long you live in these cities, no God can destroy you. However, a single arrow from Lord Shiva will evade these cities and kill you".

Elated by the boon, Tripurasur began to conquer three domains. He defeated all kings on the Earth. He won over Lord Indra and acquired the domain of Heaven. He drove Lord Brahma out of Brahmalok and Lord Vishnu out of Vikunt (Vishnulok). He created two boys Chand and Prachand, and gave them Brahmalok and Vishnulok respectively. 

The Gods including Brahma and Vishnu went to Himalayas hiding there. Even Lord Shiva with Goddess Parvati migrated to Mount Mandara as they were troubled by Tripurasur and his follower demons. 

The celestial sage, Narada the son of Lord Brahma knew the secret to defeat Tripurasur. Seeing the grieved Gods, Narada came to them and narrated the secret to Tripurasur's defeat. He asked them to please Lord Ganesha by meditating upon his monosyllabic name 'AUM'.

The Gods meditated upon the name of Lord Ganesha. Pleased by their austerities, Lord Ganesha was invoked. When Ganesha appeared, the Gods glorified Him by chanting the Eight Shloka Strotra (Pranamya Shirasa Devam Gauri Putram Viinayakam) which is also known as ‘Sankatnashanam Ganapati Stotra’. They asked Ganesha to protect them from the wrath of Tripurasura.  

Lord Ganesha was pleased by the Eight Shloka Strotra and pronounced, "I shall protect all those who recite this Strotra. I am pleased pleased by all Gods present here. I shall now being about the fall of Tripurasur through Lord Shiva's powers".

Following this, Lord Ganesha disguised as a Brahmin.

The Brahmin went to the court of Tripurasur and said, "O mighty King, I am a very learned and wise Brahmin. I heard your fame and therefore came to met you. I have mastery over sixty four arts".

Tripurasur was pleased to hear he Brahmin's claim. He said, "O respected Brahmin, I am pleased to see you. Show me your art. If your performance pleases me, I will offer whatever you ask me for - even my life!".

The Brahmin said, "O King, I shall give your three aeroplanes. You can use these to go anywhere you desire. These aeroplanes cannot be destroyed by anyone other than Lord Shiva".

This came as a surprise to Tripurasur. He was elated by the Brahmin's art and asked him to express his wish.

The Brahmin said, "O mighty King, I want the idol of Lord Chintamani which is currently in possession of Lord Shiva". Tripurasur was compelled by his words and sent one of his messengers to Mount Mandar. 

The messenger demanded Lord Shiva to surrender the idol of Chintamani. However, Lord Shiva angrily refused to part with the pious idol.

Tripurasur could not stand Shiva's refusal and attacked Him with his army. The war began. However, the Gods, Ganas and Lord Shiva himself forgot to remember Lord Ganesha before starting the war. 

On their way, Lord Shiva and his alleys began facing hurdles. The chariot on which Lord Shiva rode broken down. There were many other hurdles in the way of Shiva and his army. When the Gods faced the demons army, they were terrified by the strenght of demon army and left the battlefield, leaving Shiva alone in the field. Shiva disappeared in eternity and seeing the situation. On the other hand, Goddess Parvati left the Mandar mountain and went to her parent's home in Himalayan mountains. 

Amid the turmoil, Tripurasur went to the Mount Mandar and found the idol of Chintamani. He took the idol and began on the way back to home. However, the idol was very powerful and pious. It disappeared from the hands of Tripurasur. Tripurasur was forlorn. He returned home with a heavy heart.

Following the defeat of Gods, Sage Narad went to Lord Shiva and told him the reason behind his defeat. He recalled that Lord Shiva and his alleys has forgotten to remember Lord Ganesha at the start of war. Sage Narad asked Lord Shiva to please Lord Ganesha to gain his blessings and attention.

Thus, Lord Shiva performed penance to invoke Lord Ganesha in Dandakaranya. After a prolonged phase of penance, Lord Ganesha emerged from Lord Shiva's face. In this form, Ganesha had five faces, ten hands, a crescent of moon on the crest, a garland of heads around his neck and an ornament of serpents. He appeared both like Shiva and Gajanana.

Lord Ganesha said, "Chant my base (beeja) Mantra and send an arrow on the aeroplanes of Tripurasur. This will destroy his three cities and then you can kill Tripurasur". 

Lord Ganesha asked Shiva to remember Him in this form to avoid any obstacles in his work. Lord Ganesha also revealed the Sahastranam Strotra (one thousand names) to Lord Shiva and ensured that chanting of Sahastranam Strotra  helps a person in getting rid of miseries and obtaining the desired fruits.

Following this, Lord Shiva chanted the Sahastranam to invoke Lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha appeared and blessed Lord Shiva to gain victory over Tripurasur.

The place where Lord Ganesha appeared is an auspicious place. Lord Shiva established a Ganesha temple here. Presently this temple is known as Mahaganapati and lies in the city of Ranjangaon (known as Manipur in olden days).

Lord Shiva once again returned to battle against Tripurasur. This time, Earth became his chariot and Lord Brahma became his charioteer. The Sun and Moon Gods offered to become the wheels of the chariot. Mount Meru become his bow and Lord Vishnu became his arrow. The Ashwini Kumars became the horses to pull the Shiva's chariot. 

Lord Shiva remembered Lord Ganesha and took vow to destroy Tripurasura. With determination and belief He targeted the arrow towards the cities of Tripurasur. The cities were devasted and Tripurasur attained salvation. This happened on the day of Kartiki Purnima and hence it is also called Tripuri Purnima. The day is celebrated as a festival in some of the Ganesha Temples, including the temple of Mahaganapati in Ranjangaon.

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