28 July 2015

8. The Birth of River Kaveri

Long back in time, the regions in Southern part of Indian subcontinent had no voluminous river. The minor rivers dried up in the middle of intense summers and people suffered due to shortage of water.

One year, there were scanty rains and the situation became from bad to worse. The crop dried and the cattle died. The wells had parched bases. People suffered and died due to lack of water. Seeing the agony of drought stuck people, Sage Agastya went to Lord Shiva with the plea of people.

Lord Shiva gave some water of the Holy Ganges to Sage Agastya in his kamandalu. Shiva said, "O venerated sage, your purpose to come here shall be fulfilled". 

Sage Agastya wondered how the small quantity of water would help, but he began his journey back carrying water in his kamandalu.

Meanwhile, Shiva called Ganesha and asked him to follow Sage Agastya.

Summers were at their peak and the journey was strenuous. Sage Agastya was very tired walking in the blazing sun. He decided to rest for a short while under a shady tree. However, he was too exhausted and soon fell asleep. 

Ganesh who had been following Agastya was keenly waiting for the moment. Seeing the sage deep in sleep, he took the form of a crow and tipped the pot. The sage woke up startled from the sleep, only to see how the water from his kamandalu fell on the land and blossomed in a mighty river. He gratified Lord Shiva, remembering his words that the purpose of sage's visit shall be fulfied.  

Ganesha took his real form. Sage Agastya gratified Ganesha for the great blessing hd gave to the land. He said, “O great Ganesha, your divine touch had brought water to this arid area. I am thankful to you for this great blessing”.

Ganesha was pleased by the sage’s humble remark. He said, “Sage Agastya, you wish to bring water here is selfless. It is for the merit of people and people of this land shall remember and praise you in time to come for your selfless act. I bless that this area shall never parch again. This river Kaveri shall continue to fed this land in times to come’.

The place where the pot containing Ganges water tipped and river Kaveri began following is called Thaalkaveri (Taalkaveri). Taalkaveri marks the origin of River Kaveri. Since the water of Kavery was seeded from Ganges, it is also called ‘the Ganges of the south’.

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