29 July 2015

7.2 Story of Vigneshwara Vinayak, Ozar

Once there ruled a King named Shri Abhinandan over Hemavatim. He was very righteous and religious. Once the King performed a grand sacrificial ceremony to please Great Gods.

Seeing the empowered ceremony, the King of Heaven - Lord Indra left insecure. He was overcome by the sense of insecurity and thought if the ceremony concludes successfully, Shri Abhinandan may ask the kingdom of Heaven from Great God, Shiva. 

Lord Indra decided to hurdle the completion of ceremony to tide over any possibility of Shri Abhinandan to ask for rule of heaven from Shiva. Thus he asked Kaal (the time Turner) to hurdle the ceremony and perish it.

Kaal began hurdling the sacrificial ceremony of Shri Abhinandan and eventually destroyed it. He spread his wrath and also destroyed the sacrifices performed separately by sages. Due this he came to be known as Vighna, meaning the obstructor. Due the spread of Vighna, righteousness began disappearing from Earth. The religious rites were subdued and demonic forces became prominent.

Seeing this, the Gods became worrisome. They decided to invoked Lord Ganesha. Plesead by their penance, Lord Ganesha appeared before the Gods. The Gods pleaded Him to protect them. Lord Ganesha agreed to protect them. He incarnated as Vighneshwar.

Vighneshwar was born to Sage Parshva and his wife Deepavatsala. Years went by and Vighneshwar grew up. When the time was appropriate, the Gods headed by Lord Shiva came to Sage Parshva and persuaded him to relieve Vighneshwar to fight against Vighnasura. Though initially reluctant, later Sage Parshva agreed to Vighneshwar's going.

Vighneshwar went to the hinterland and fought against Vighnasura. Vighnasura by the virtue of his powers created many illusions and divergence. He took form of cyclones, fires, floods, earthquakes to force Vinayaka retreat. But Vinayaka nullified all these forces and overcome Vighnasura.

After prolonged fight, Vinayak caught hold of Vighnasura with his ankush (nook) and dragged him before Gods. At last, the arrogance of Vighnasura was crushed. He prostrated before Ganesha and requested Him to forgive him. 

Vighnasura fell on Ganesha' feet and asked refuge, "O Great Ganesha, I wish to surrender myself to you. Allow me Ganesha, to be always associated with your name".

Ganesha forgave the demon. He said, "Henceforth, I shall be known as Vighneshwara or Vighnaraj".

Ganesha further assured all Gods and sages- "Whosoever chants my name - Vighneshwara or Vighnaraj shall never face any obstacles from Vighnasura".

Vighnasura assured Ganesha that he would never trouble his devotees. He was asked to hurdle the offenders of Ganesha and has continued to do so over the ages.

Pleased by Vighneshwara's blessings for the merit of all mankind and Gods, the Gods constructed an idol of Gajanan or Vighneshwara at Ozar (Ojhar or Ojar). The idol is now venerated in the Temple of Vinayaka, Ozar.

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