28 July 2015

22. The Shiva's Slew

Adityah, the Sun God was son of Sage Kashyap, one of the great Saptarishis (the seven great sages).

Once Shiva was in deep meditation when Adityah began shinning very brightly. This enraged Shiva. He slewed Adityah in anger. Adityah fell to death and the entire creation came into utter darkness. 

Sage Kashyap by his divine powers sensed the wrath on his son. He came out of his hut and saw darkness all around. The sage closed his eyes and with his divine powers saw Lord Shiva slewing Adityah. Sage Kashyap was devastated to see his son dead. He went to Mount Kailash and saw his beheaded son. The sage lamented the unexpected death of his son. Shiva came and saw the sage crying.

In agony and anger, Sage Kashyap cursed Shiva, "You have slewed my son in your rage. In same rush of rage, you shall slew your own son".

Lord Shiva's rage was pacified hearing the sage's curse. He said, "O respected sage, I understand your agony over the lose of your son- Adityah. I shall bring Adityah back to life".

Saying this Shiva, went to discover an head for Adityah's beheaded body. He returned with an elephant head and brought Adityah back to life. 

However, Sage Kashyap was tormented to see his son's half human appearance. His rage knew no bounds and he further cursed Shiva, "Shiva, you shall do the same to your son. Your son would have an elephant head".
Saying this Sage Kashyap returned with Adityah and Shiva returned to his abode in Kailash. 

Years passed by and the curse of Sage Kashyap came true. Shiva beheaded his son - Ganesha in rage and later gave him life back with an elephant head.

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