28 July 2015

19. Story of Durva -1

The word 'Durva' is a complex word derived from  two words- dur and va, meaning the reverentd avam (which mean one which is far away and bring close respectively). It implies that druva brings the distant purity of Lord Ganesha closer to us.

Once there lived a powerful demon named Analasur. He was the son of Yama, the God of death and Tilottama, a celestial nymph (apsara). 

Analasura did severe penance to please Lord Shiva and came to be blessed by him. He acquired the power to emit fire from his eyes (hence his name, anala means fire).

After gaining such unsurpassable powers, Analasura became merciless and terrifying. He began destroying homes of earthlings and killed many of them. He killed sages for performing rituals and destroyed their offerings to Gods. There was panic among earthings and the Gods fled from their home in heaven. They roamed around hiding themselves from the wrath of Analasura.

Analasura deployed his powers to trouble Gods, sages and earthlings. He huddled the meditation, rituals and prayers of sages and swallowed or killed many of them. He emitted fire and destroyed homes, fields of humans. There was havoc in all three worlds.

Analasura even drew the God away from the heaven. He hailed Indra the ruler of heaven and attempted to kill him. But Indra managed to evade. Analasura acquired the kingdom of heaven.

The Gods were highly distressed. Under the guidance of their Guru Bhraspati, they invoked Lord Ganesha. When Lord Ganesha appeared, the Gods and sages pleaded Ganesha to save them from the wrath of Analasura.

Lord Ganesha took their request and promised to defend them.

Lord Ganesha knew Analasura was very powerful. But He was very witty and worked out a plot to kill Analasura.

Lord Ganesha took form of a pretty small sturdy child. He began the war with Analasura. The war was called the Sarvkasha war. Ganesha played around smartly against the deadly antics and attacks of Analasura. The demon's eyes fired balls of fire all around. The surroundings were destroyed by the malefic impact of these fireballs. 

A long war ensued and finally Analasura attempted to swallow the little Ganesha. Not withstanding this, Ganesha took a gigantic rigorous form (virat roop) and gulped Analasura

However, the demon's body caused a terrible flux of heat inside Ganesha's body. Ganesha was in unbearable agony. The Gods gathered to help Ganesha ease his pain. His mother Parvati smeared sandalwood paste all over his body. But the heat did not subside. Shiva lopped his cobra around Ganesha's waist. But the burning sensation was terrific.

Lord Varuna, the God of rain showered plenty of water on Ganesha's body. The Moon God came and seated on Ganesha's head to enable its radiance cool Ganesha's body (hence Ganesha came to be known as Bhalachandra). Lord Vishnu offered him his lotus to pacify the fiery wrath and Ganesha also came to be known as Padmapani. However, all the efforts were futile.

Soon the word about Ganesha' plight spread around. When the reverent Sage Kashyap came to know about Ganesha's plight, he decided to offer Durva grass to Ganesha.

Sage Kashyap knotted a bunch of druva grass blades and put it in Ganesha's head. He offered 21 such bundles to Ganesha. Much to the amazement to everyone around, the druva came to Ganesha's help. It causes the heat to recede and Ganesha was relieved. 

Lord Ganesha appreciated the gesture of Sage Kashyup and pronounced druv grass as one of his favorites. He further assured that one who offered Dhruva grass to him would be bestowed with prosperity.

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