28 July 2015

13. Broken Tusk - Wrath of Sage Parashurama

Lord Ganesha is also known as Ekadanta as he has an elephant head with a single tusk. Ganesha lost one of his tusk when the great Sage Parashurama attacked him in rage.

Here goes the story...

Lord Vishnu incarnated as Parashurama and descended the Earth to uproot evil. He did severe penance and obtained Parashurama, the divine axe from Lord Shiva. He raged war against the spreading evil on the Earth and anniliated many the erring mortals.

After ages spend in meditation, Sage Parasurama felt deeply indebted to Lord Shiva. So he decided to visit Mount Kailash, the abode of Shiva and his family.

Sage Parasurama was however unaware of existence of Shiva's son Ganesha who was born when the sage was in meditation. 

When Parasurama arrived at Kailash, Ganesha was playing with his Ganas and his troop of mice. Seeing Parasurama they stopped playing. 

Ganesha asked Parasurama, "Who are you? Where do you desire to go?"

Parasurama affirmed, "I have come to see Lord Shiva. I desire to pay obeisance to him". However, Ganesha refused to let Parasurama proceed further saying, "Mahadev is in deep meditation. I cannot allow you to go and disturb him".

Ganesha's blunt argument provoked sage Parasurama. He felt insulted and shouted, "Boy, step aside. A devotee has all rights to see the God. How can you stop me?"

However Ganesha was equally enforcing. He again refused to let sage Parasurama proceed. This time Sage Parasurama was entirely overcome by rage. His tremendous anger bursted and he hurled his axe with all his strength towards Ganesha.

The wrath terrified Ganesha and he tilted to save himself. The axe however came oblong and hit Ganesha's tusk breaking it. There was terrifying cry which echoed across the abode of Shiva.

Hearing the nervous cry, Lord Shiva's was disturbed in his meditation. Goddess Parvati ran to see Ganesha only to find him wounded. She was shattered when she saw Ganesha's broken tusk lying on the floor. She broke into tears. Ganesha ran to his mother seeking her warmth and protection. Nandi and the Ganas too gathered around, watching in horror and dismay.

Shiva stood wordless, while Parvati chastised Parashurama. She criticized Parashurama for his reckless and uncontrolled behaviour.

Parashurama realised his mistake and sincerely apologised to Ganesha, Shiva and Parvati. Ganesha forgave Parashurama and blessed him.

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